The Gang

  • Dakota Spangler

    Owner/Head Trainer


    My name is Dakota and I LOVE to coach and train animals!

    Dogs have been a huge passion of mine for as long as I can remember.

    What I love most about dog training is helping other people create a one of a kind bond with their canine companion.

    I am a graduate of Animal Behavior College where I gained my first certification to train dogs of any kind and operate a training facility. After my online schooling course, I was part of a six month externship program at Elite K9 (a dog training facility who is part of the ABC dog trainer employment program). The head trainer there, helped me learn the ins and outs of assisting people to train their own dogs, as they did mostly group classes of different calibers.

    As I finished my externship, I reached out to a local dog trainer who shared a lot of similar goals of mine in dog training. I worked there for about 2 years until I opened my own facility. Through my time there I continued my education and I became certified through Trikos international with Mike Ritland for foundation work, obedience, and behavior modification.

    I am now currently enrolled in the masters dog training program with STS K9 under Nino Drowaert. And as of recently, now enrolled in an online police decoy program instructed by Michael Nezbeth at Grassroots K9 out of Canada. I am also an AKC evaluator for CGC testing and Temperament testing of all breeds.

    I have always known I wanted to work with animals since I was a kid. I was obsessed with apea and monkeys! Which I still hope to have my hand in one day- but being raised with five plus dogs had always given me a natural desire to help them. My mother was a mail carrier and we had a revolving door for rescues and fosters.

    After close to 10 years of working in sales, I gained endless knowledge to work with people. I had become a leader of some sort at each of jobs, but I realized I was not embracing my passions in life. I loved helping people, but did not enjoy SELLING them a product I didn’t fully back.

    So, during the early stages of the pandemic, I found God, I made drastic life changes, and one of the decisions I made was to attend “ABC” dog obedience program and pursue my dreams!

    You find a way to make money doing something you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.

    “Life is a mountain. Your goal is to find your path, not to reach the top” - Maxime Legace

  • Kailey Spangler


  • Britiny Spangler

    Communications/Social Media/Handler

  • Mavis



    Mavey Wavey

    Mavis is an incredible almost 2 year old (born May ‘22) female, Belgian Malinois. Mavis moved in as a puppy and instantly filled a giant hole in Dakota’s heart as his first female dog in over a fifteen years.

    She has been a huge piece of Dakotas overall growth and learning in dog training, and as a person. Mavis and Dakota have become quite the pair with their time together!

    Mavis has since become a bit of a jane of all trades!

    She is now Dakota’s right hand, personal protection dog, demo dog, helper, and often times emotional support animal!

    You normally don’t see one without the other!

  • Banner

    Banner Boy


    Banner is a 5 year old Great Dane who is the family couch potato. Banner was brought home as a puppy for Dakota and Kailey’s then one year old daughter, Parker!

    Banner is the best boy and perfect family dog. He has grown up alongside Dakota and Kailey’s two children and is loved by all.

  • Freddie



stop and smell the roses