Day trains

doggy day camp

Monday-Thursday your dog will come to β€œschool”. Drop your dog off before work, and pick them up after! They will receive multiple training sessions per day, and plenty of play time. Your dog will receive direct training from our professional trainer(s). We want to build a calm and confident pet based on the positive relationship established. They will learn 6-7 customizable obedience commands (sit, down, off, place, out, heel, and a recall).

At the end of each week, on Fridays, you and your dog will come in for a one on one private lesson to go over what has been taught throughout the week. The main objective of these lessons is to teach you, the handler, how to properly and effectively communicate with your dog.

3 week will include:

● Obedience commands

● Leash manners

● Place command

● Door manners

● Working with distractions

4 week will include:

● Everything listed above

● Includes introduction to Advanced Obedience with E-Collar


3 week: $1,500

4 week: $2,600 (includes E-Collar and equipment needed @ $350 value)

Clear, consistant communication is key